Thursday, December 4, 2008

Professional SQL Server 2000 Database Design

About the Author
Louis is an avowed database nut. Currently he is toiling as the database architect for Education Networks
of America in Nashville, Tennessee, not to mention writing this book and hopefully one more.

He has been designing and implementing Microsoft SQL Server databases for around nine years, since his
brilliant failure as a LAN Administrator for the Church of God International Headquarters in Cleveland,
Tennessee (yes, there is a Cleveland in Tennessee). As SQL Server came packaged with Visual Basic 1.0
back then, he has also been developing with that product for around nine years, although his VB skills have
been progressively getting worse since version 4.0, as he has been focusing primarily on SQL Server.

Louis has spoken at several conferences, such as CA-World in 1999 and 2000, concerning implementing
solutions with ERwin; and at PASS 2000 Europe, he gave two presentations, one on normalization and the
other on query optimization.

At home there is a wife Valerie and a daughter Chrissy, whom he dreams of one day spending a free
moment with, since he hasn’t had any since the day that SQL Server and Visual Basic landed on his
desk nine years ago…

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